Thirty three years,two brats,two dogs ,two cars ,some
hundred maids and thousands experiences , Three decades of joint strategic
approach ,applied by my progenitors against us brats to brow beat us into unquestioning
marshal discipline, softened by occasional lollipops to whip us into first rate
humans ,you could say from input to desirable out put my family is a well oiled
Constantly being in each others paths,secretly walking up
when the other is talking on the phone and snack up on information updates,one
would think that we would all know each others next thoughts,however,the number
of times we say hysterically Oh!!! You JUST DON’T KNOW ME AT ALL scares me
because only today I read about this software being developed in California that
can know my personality ‘somewhat’ in 50 sentences I tweet online and in 200
tweets form a very comprehensive photo of my psychological profile. Its Ominous.
All that information I painstakingly fill out on facebook,my
space,is secretly siphoned off by these computer spy soft wares to systems far
away that are poring over my life,with a microscope storing me away in a
microchip,slotting me into the
extrovert, conscientious, neurotic or open to experiences categories
based on words I take two seconds to think about and three seconds to type out
and send out to the world.
Not content with the sex,age,education and marital status
image they want to probably make a robot that thinks and reacts like me,now
that would be an idea, a clone robot to do all the mundane work and me just to enjoy and dive off into the ocean.well
either the American spies are doing that for mine and your personal benefit or they are upgrading you and me from a
demographic bar on a graph of statistics to a personalized target for
advertisements based on our psychological bent,which shapes our decisions much
more than our marital status.
I must say the gentle Mr. Eben Haber from IBM in San Jose
California is one smart cookie for realizing that ha can probably sell me my
thumbs up if he makes it fall off a cliff rather than put it within easy reach
of my extrovert ,open to experience self.
Basing his software on research which links words to our
personality like a lot of ‘summer’ words could mean level of trust is
high.Using too much ‘lazy’,’awful’,’heart breaking’;could stash you into the
neurotic category.
Its already in practice using other spyware strategies but
its all still in its nascent stage.
At the moment If the advertisements that reach me are an
indication that the cyber mafia out there knows who I am,then I think they have
cross identified me with a mafia lord,what with the number of property selling
and buying messages I receive, I should be landlord of all I survey or actually
with a bank account to rival the very rich Amabani’s at the very least.
And As I am typing this out ten minutes back I get pinged by
an unknown number, the text of which suggests that MISS Ramya can’t live
without me and to satisfy her panting desires I have to call up the number
mentioned, So I repeat again I am not a Paan chewing ,dhoti wearing,flat
renting buying Lord,who has a voracious appetite for Ramya.
‘can anybody hear
me??is anyone out there??’
I am somebody who skips through decades surrounded by people
I know, some just a surface glaze and some deep through confidences shared on
rooftops,bonded by stories that are secreted out in our alcohol weakened states. I have this way of moving, that
everyday I treat the person as new, I do not slot you do not judge you.Hence
this whole approach to consumerism, sets me back,I'm amazed at the level of
desire to penetrate into our heads to get the cash out like diarrhoea,scary.
I would love to hack into the chip that has this data about
me,its like a test of sorts ,the result of which I would never know,well till I
start getting bombarded by end resulting
advertisements and walk around all day long with a burning desire to be
in a shopping mall instead of wherever I was wandering at that moment.Basically
a spending zombie with dollar signs in my eyes and a credit card hanging loose
from my sleeves.
That’s when I would get worried.Right now they are just
sharpening the blades,and I am a fool, blithely joking about ARMAGEDDON.
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