
Wednesday 5 June 2013


Fluttering pages on an overloaded desk of musty files,stirred from their decade long slumber by the occasional intrusion by the air lazily waving around the room from a ceiling fan,bringing a breath of fresh air on a balmy sweaty afternoon.

Thumb curved back to wipe the bead of sweat racing down the sideburns which have lovingly embraced the oil in sheeny glory. afternoon sun twinkling  off the gloss from hair that still has channels drawn through it from the single toothed comb,run through it with precision in the morning.

Head bent over exhausted by the three flight trek back from a three hour lunch,bent in hunt for support from the desk, seeking a platform to launch its siesta.And dream of the evening tea.That is the image I evoke when I hear “babu”

A clerical position of subservience coming down from the raj,having morphed over  a
period of time from efficient diary keepers to matinee samosa dreamers.

It is also a word that I have heard echoed in whispered phone calls to distant loves,an endearment,a declaration of closeness,aSealing of fate,a sign that babu to bahu is just a difference of an alphabet.

How and why it crept into the romantic parlance?a  bellwether for endearments?is anyone’s guess,mine is that the word has slipped in to the conversations in disguise hiding under the rotund OO instead of the cirque.evolving the word to baboo.

Having just returned from a popular blockbuster Hindi movie,where the heroine trills up a “hello baboo….” in a phone conversation with her best friend in the climactic scene got me thinking,how authentic,so realistic.

That’s before getting home and drinking water I realized (for effect: glass still tilted to take in more water) that one of my drivers to work is also in a habit of calling everyone baboo,sitting in a cab early in the morning and to be called that.urggggggh!!!!

Without having to think too hard ,Another example of my encounter, is a colleague who if she has to correct you, will slowly shake her perfumed head in shattered disappointment, just tilting it so, as to not displace the hair from her bun and open her address with a disappointed na na baboo,now that can either now be an open ended statement left hanging to be completed with the head shaking effect or sometimes maybe a whole dialogue is suffixed with extra head wagging for pronounced effect.

So am I to assume that the word has been taken on by the Diaspora willingly,or an epidemic? a virus that has been filtered down and left to run amok fueled now it seems by popular cinema?? a word that transmutes between romantic and non widespread in its virulence that it sometimes slips out unnoticed.

 The meaning is just not as simple as a darling. So I can obviously not take offence for something which does not have a laid down definition and is vaguely floating around in the pond of words infecting random people. Its in a transitional phase and has yet not found acceptance in the oxford dictionary, just having found attention in my meandering writing.

Have I ever had a babu phase?I thankfully shudderingly so,have not,but then neither have I gone through the honey puss,sugar buns phase,hmmmm however I do come with a sickeningly rich smattering of sweethearts and sweetie pies.and a quirk,do read on.

If I call you by a name that is not Ramakrishnan Pillai Subrahmaniam Aiyyar…a name that was lovingly weighed on you by your parents, I shall call you depending on my fondness for you, with a  name that either I conjure up, preferably(increasing your status in my list of approval) or just tagged along because of general pet name popularity. I do not sit and agonize on these names they just roll out.Individualizing the person on my radar, scanning them into the ‘close’ category.Maybe some of those names rattle people, like baboo does to me,do feel free to discuss our interactive address with me, its subject to change.

What do I have against this word babu? What got me thinking thus??Nothing!!Just imprinted images of the musty balmy room refuse to leave my mind's living room where they come out and lounge on hearing the command from the 'ear'ly yours.

I guess I am just biased and a little particular of its aural origins too,as they fall on my ear drums and if the origins are favourable,maybe it could lull me.By favorable I mean someone like Ranbir Kapoor probably,as he asks me to mix sugar in his tea baboo ,mmmmm yes,now that’s an endearment!!! ….and RK too is on the probable list,as I just cannot imagine Bradley cooper whispering baboo.For him I reserve darling or actually I should say, shut up!!! you got me at hello.(pause) baboo…(sheh!!still not Shakespearean enough for me)

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