
Monday 24 December 2012


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO dear dear darling day began with singing and midway through, my song got bruised...ended with a real full stomach and the song was very very contended.

I LOVE wishing people throughout the day,and I have never seriously,really, given it a thought about whether this is a sadistic age reminding mechanism,or just the sweetHEART in me.:))

So far we have established it was my brother's birthday (I wish I had written this the day it happened,with my stellar memory three months seems like a blunting influence)


I get dressed, I'm meeting the parents,the sister in law and the BIRTHDAY BOY,all of us merging from different meet up at this lovely restaurant which prided itself with a roof top and lovely Chinese cuisine.

In the day what I had already done to make history was,I met an old old  friend at the mall,wore REALLY OLD sandals,which in my defense didn't appear torn in the house,though in the bright sunshiny day,they were really tattered man.

And every body,my parents can be excused for shortsightedness...(leaving decidedly guilty few) didn't think of mentioning that I was dropping bits off my sandals as I squiggled along the shiny marble mall floor...HUMPHHH!!!!

Any way my jaw got stuck, as I flashed my new watch and preened for a photo...

*what ensued was of course a shopping detour...*

That sorted,we decided to take my friend up on his recommendation(I mentioned we bumped into him,right?)

Seated at this restaurant...around a table I suddenly am struck by inspiration, that it would be a great idea to have a cake...and of course it had to be a surprise...

The mission demanded stealth and speed.

So  I tasked my super efficient friend,who I should mention was floating around with a woman superbly prepped up by a salon for two hours,leaving my friend to drown himself in two beers, sufficient to blurrr her final tadaaan!!effect..sweet girl.

 I muttered something and pushed off with a phone to my ear.

Running down the stairs...I turned,...and I could suddenly feel an equal and opposite push,which started with my cheeks.BAMM!!!

It took me a micro second to process the damn glass...and as is the case with my savdhani hati,durghatna ghati situation...there were these lovely waiters and diners...(the diners thankfully had the decency to hide their smiles...)to witness my collision.

so with my hand to cheek...I march  mission is not forgotten..

I look at the other diners apologetically just wanting to run out of the restaurant,so I just stare ahead...
Focus!!on the Mission...
I can still remember the light pouring in from the big glass of the mall....and then BAMMMMM....


should I also tell you the damage area...same cheek bone...which was now radiating angry red colour,and my face was radiating mouth spoke before anything...
I  turned and told whoever was interested,which was everyone actually..."This when I haven't even drunk anything"..

I made the quickest exit possible..hoping and praying the diners change by the time I'm back.

In the end I got a red carpet welcome,the kind waiters held the doors wide open for me,BOTH of them.

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