
Saturday 16 February 2013

Rapunzel Rapunzel!!!

Let down you hair,Let down your hair
Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let Down your hair.

As I sit with four round pink curlers untidily put in my just there wet black(I wish long Tresses),
Moving around my face as the breeze whispers into them,I imagine removing that one naughty strand that moves in to tease my eyes.

My eyes staring out in the distance with long dreamy gaze,sheltered by the shades of thick lashes.

You get the image!!

Now coming back to reality,and wintry garden of my Hair,my biggest dilemma is that did the hairstylist say,put the curlers in when the hair is wet or did he say when they were dry,Now you would wonder why are these small details even worth noting,for in my little life yes they are.See I am the person who picks up Hair Mousse thinking its Hair Spray.

Thankfully my mother in her unknowing genetic kindness passed on her good hair,straight,slightly wavy,gene to me,making  me the washed and just perfect girl.

However promptly after passing on that gene,she proceeded to play doll for a few years and I pranced around with ribbons in my two little Plats or maybe on the day ,side ponies.

I lived this carefree,mummy will make my hair existence till probably I started dividing three digits and taking out fractions.

Then came the BIG CHOP.Now Ideally I should remember the eventful day but it evades my memory,probably hiding away behind the hair that fell off that day...or maybe my ignorance did not let me make a memory.

Whichever way you see,I have loads of memories of ending up being bundled under the same scissors as my brother would.I also remember not giving it a second thought at the biggest concern being the after haircut mandatory shower ,to save your self the pricks of the numerous hair sliding under your clothes,through the barbers carelessly loose drape.

It only started to sink in when I was automatically elected the boy to be,in all the school dances,come to think of it even when my hair was longer,they elected me ,and I must add I  made a very chic, single pony guy.imagine black suit and bow tie...

Have you ever had short hair for a long period of time?

I am still trying to figure out if I minded really,the idea was to dance and if I could shake a leg disguised like a boy,hidden behind mustaches,then I would still do it today.So no I have decided my desire for longer hair today probably stems from periodic starvation of seeing my self,unconsciously put them behind my ears.

Transporting me back to today,as I sit all curled up under my round curlers, after four years of short crop,today seeing me happily experiment with new hairstyles,the desire for longer hair quenched and conveniently now transmuted into sighing after curly tresses!!!You know the kinds that tumble past,etc. etc.

Will I get tired of the curler phase,will I finish that bottle of Mousse?because deep down I think all this is just a waste of time,but it doesn't stop me from giving yearning looks to all those curly hair that seem to just be floating in front of my eyes...Long or short I control,but this business of curlers.Sigh!!!sometimes a small part of me whispers, the Lazy in me will get the better of my desire to flaunt those curls.

Then maybe I will go back to sighing,pasting a smile of genuine appreciation of beauty so different to mine,and complimenting those ladies who promptly compliment me back with a "I wish I had your Straight falling hair".

Considering the widespread, Conclusion is that , this problem is endemic to the Homo Sapien Species.

So now I decide I can pin my fluctuating desires on the basic fault in the composition of us beings.Now if Human Beings were a contended species why would I want what I do not have,butttt then maybe all the Salons would be out of their expensive businesses of Hair straightening and Perming.

So my desires are for the greater good,in total conformity with my neighbours and their neighbours, So I can stop trying to figure out the intricacies of my ambitions. I also stop short of pinning myself a philanthropist,because I am But a human,albeit totally Lazy!and have yet to patronize a Salon for their curling abilities.

So this is Lazy (momentarily contended)Dreamy, Happy's time to go and take those curlers off,till the scissor trigger doesn't  strike again.

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