
Tuesday 29 May 2012

A minute on the lips,sits on the hips!!!!

Can I control what passes these lips?????
Or should i control what enters within?????maybe I will adjust it tomorrow.So in I pop a danish...sweet one , must add...look left and right,no ones in the galley.Phew!!! no more comments about the I can afford it..(I do not agree with this concept...better to be miserable about the calories you take in rather than become complacent...right??? ...because before you know're a regular inhaler )

Did I mention my weekly roster involves me hovering at 35-40,000 ft.every week for 16 hours.And we have these things called *tuck boxes*,where you come in to our little galley at 35,000 ft.and demand for hot latte,or maybe tomato soup from the country below(which of course we can provide ,just give us a little parachute..Cheap soup !!!)so anyway...these little bomb boxes are filled with chocolates,crisps....and news about their presence spreads faster than the rumor of a little prince *WillKate*...

Finished with the service we pull them out and hide them around for the first half an hour or so...just controlling the health of our guests right?????

Anyway the guy working with me was a 59 year old man with glowing skin(maybe he got facials everyday....he walked with a label *preferentially guys only*)so yes he got overly protective about this box...
In walked a lady who maybe could hide five tuck boxes,if you tried to peep around her waist,maybe you could get a view of the blue edge.

The, did i add very mean man,,,should i name him...OK Colin,,,,whispered loudly A minute on the lips,forever on the hips....maybe, her ears were smaller in comparison...or maybe she just was so used to comments like that (now i'm feeling bad),she didn't turn back and waddled off with her pockets overflowing with chips...and hands trying to grab the errant oat bites.

Which brings me back to the question can you control that yummy chocolate cake????which is so soft that it crumbles????can you resist that layer of caramel and biscuit at the base of  cheese cakes????
or are you one of those lucky few who do not have a sweet tooth.

And take it from the sweet jaw that I am there is a Third variety ,who love sweets,their eyes twinkle at the sight of the beautifully done Banoffees and Cupcakes,their taste buds activated with the waft of warm waffles,or just a cake baking in the oven,but what passes their lips is a' no thank you'.
I sweep my hat off to you lot.Wish I was like that...wish i could be more consistent in my refusals in front of and alone...but than why ever wish for something that's' not pleasurable to the senses,and what is life,if not a journey of senses.

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