
Sunday 31 July 2011


There was a flutter of heart beat as I created my first Blog site...
A slight hesitation as to what name should i give it,see the hesitation was because I wanted a cool sounding name.
I do want people reading what I scribble,maybe not today,(Vague pictures of grandchildren reading it),ok !!!!!erase that dramatic photo.Just people,and maybe someone sometime in the future.

 Every ones talking about Blogs,in that respect I'm ancient,and in 2011 I'm just penning down my first.

A background check on me,I will not go too far back, Ok, maybe a glimpse.

I was famous for writing dramatic..."nahiiiin....." type filmy dialogues,when i was 5 years old.
Also famous for pinning people down ,(ahem! esp Guests) to listen to my monologue.
I am still famous for that in the stories,among relatives at nostalgic family get togethers,which would put a tape recorder to shame..
So anyway with my family verified writing skills knowledge,When it came to college, I Wrenched my self from the Esteemed' Home science' college that i had gotten admitted to,On the basis of the 90% that my examiner decided to bestow on me,and got admitted to my esteemed college..I don't know what the rules say but it was not your IVY league college But a college who's name was someones sister "Kamala Nehru College".

I should tell you the reasoning and logic given by me to me was that the course,which in this case was Journalism,was much much more important than a college name.Should I have asked,'Whats in a name?'
Don't know , Don't Care!

Visions of people at parties asking me which one?at later stages in life did not occur to me.Now its just Delhi University...:))and for the really tenuous ones a mumbled,Loudly fumbled KAMALA NEHRU MAHAVIDYALYA (my attempt at making it Desi kewl:)

And so I Got my B.A. In Journalism.

What do i do professionally?I Fly with an International Carrier as a trolley dolly or whats the politically correct terminology?CABIN CREW.

My attempt at writing this Blog is to let my opinions float out unrestricted and unedited.
An attempt to redeem the 'Nahiiiin' dialogues from my childhood,and attempt to form new stories.
Au Revoir!!

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