
Saturday 24 May 2014


There can be no eyes that are more penetrating or judgemental like when you’re under scrutiny sitting hot in the parent trap.

Their hexa status bespectacled by the rims that survey the world with squints without their glinting presence, is no hindrance in their x-ray vision that surveys in surprise their genetic product who has somehow toddled off into the world and is ungainly in their existence without their touch.

So begins the examination that led to the conclusion that I have acne due to stress.Stress a word that somehow my parents find  answers to all health issues,a magical diagnosis that doctors could well heed to.Your skin is dry,comes a wry observation as,or the dark circles around your eyes,become a scarring comment,that makes you run for lemon,if a cucumber has already not been placed on my eyes,i.e.

Which brings me to the point that I should introduce my famous parents of the previous para fame.they come as a team,father and mother diagnostics,function as a dual observatory but the healing is in the hands of my mother who in her recently developed google world,has added cinnamon and aloe vera to co exist with my child hood memories of trying to make faces under a mask of gramflour and yoghurt.The same mixture was first scrubbed on me to the musical score of a crow taking away all dirties ,which were addressed in my innocent childhood as ‘chee ,chee’.

Needless to say that my skin under such expert guidance and scrutiny bore no pimply fruits during my teenage years as my father put me on a only soap and oil diet.sans chemicals my vocal protests against demands for creams and nail polishes met with a firewall,but my skin gleamed.

If you practice a thing regularly for three weeks it becomes a habit,if you practice it over decades it pores into your genes,so making faces through gram flour still brings me joy,cracking eggs expertly removing the yolk lining my neck with a newspaper that is torn just so,to apply the mask in my hair,and protect my clothes is an expert application that I have mastered,still it makes me the most revolting thing on two feet within a thirty meter radius,but the joy in me while picking that egg,and the sight of me looking like one with my hair jammed together in a concentric crown of egg yolk cement may just put the neighbours running inside,but I get away, because though I may shy away from henna(having experimented with its colorful delights too though,how could I resist!)the whole country is pretty tolerant to egg heads courtesy seeing generations of hennaed mops.

I may not be orangy but patriotic to the core and as the nation does so does me,with variation. im not alone in my desire for natural cures,I have placed mine directly onto my parents feet,as I inadequately tried to explain my conditioning before.

But my experiments are sometimes to the extremes,
socially speaking banana is a fruit for the skin that works inside out best,but if you were to test the adhesive skills of banana I could probably write you a PHD,one day I decided in a way to benefit my skin I should probably apply a layer all over my body and then scrape it off,idea simple on the paper of my mind but execution got sticky,literally.

But I slip sometimes safe in the fact that I'm incharge of an obedient ward,being my skin,
But the bespectacled lookers don’t miss a hairline crack so recently noted was the dryness of my skin and the acne that surrounds it.

It was surprising when eruptions emerged victorious at last, after years of suppression,seeing me become  best friends with lacto calamine,I was also at this stage flooded by my parents and friends fueled respectively by their hereditary knowledge at the solution that lies behind,I shed off the medical pills and lotions suggestions , having a tendency to naturally avoid anything artificial.

Usually in my kitchen everything edible has by now found a way onto my face tomatoes,potatoes,rose water,aloe vera measured in kilograms( I draw a line at eating it though,but to admit I'm secretly willing to try it too)and of course the faithful gram flour.
And now in this crisis I drew on my ever present faithful ingredients.

In all this one cure stood out the seller was a very coaxing and believable saleswoman,she is the same age,(which makes her more believable somehow)she had all the right words I have never had it all my life and even the odd  one would vanish in the face of her pasty cure and most convincing of all its easy to sealed. ingredients : juice of ginger mint and tulsi leaves.Im on the job pronto.

But as is the slip between the cup and the lip,as is me in motivation from the desire to the actual ingredient lid.
I reduced them to two because of lack of sourcing and then finally one due to sheer laziness at plucking so what remained was ginger.

Do you know in me Is also a desire for instant results,so I apply it to my skin ,and have to curb my want to run to the mirror,just to see if any benefit has transpired in a nano second,I control the urge under my adult veneer, though I do walk extremely close by one as I go on my travels later to the land of kitchen or washroom I figure out a mirror in each path.bowing to my child within.

All hands on deck,I applied the paste .what I wasn’t prepared was for the seeping in of the ginger leaving a burning blaze in its wake. My skin was on fire and as I sat in front of the tele trying to wish it away.

My mind hypnotically turning the thought,it will go away,its only natural,no side effects,but these thoughts are along with a niggle of , 'Is it?maybe the other ingredients were the scale balancers',and ' I shouldn't do the one woman army decisions of removing ingredients at will.'

In my eagerness for results I had not even googled whether it was good for the skin or not.I had just believed the advertiser and marched on to the mortar and pestle.

I mean it was all good for tea,I love grinding the ginger and getting the juices to soak into the water along with the tea.but skin I wasn’t really sure so sitting there with a burning face I realized I may have been a tiny bit hasty.

When the ginger did get propped up on my google screen eventually,it was a validatory vision.
And when I read the affirming word my heart did a little jig,it was like life long applications had suddenly seen the light of technological approval.they were in cyberspace floating like a fact amongst the million others but it was there,my fact.and it was correct.

So I went to the fridge and pulled out some more and applied

As i wrap this up ,Im still not the glowing beauty but  a faithful follower still.

 By the time I write again I will be drowned by drinking water,caked in bananas chlorophylled by tulsi,fumigated by turmeric,baked in a steam room ,crushed under tomatoes and burnt by ginger.

Are you listening mumma?Im a hopeless convert,by choice and conditioning.You can rest your x-ray machine I have turned into a self diagnosed naturo-path lab assistant.

Till my next post,may the egg smell I write with leave you with my gooseberry oil,smearing forever by its stingy fruity smell and singeing your memory by my signature‘natural ‘goodness. Even google says so.

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